请各位帮忙翻译一下 谢谢 数控筛网焊接机


把上面这些翻译成专业的英文 谢谢 The company's CNC mesh welding machine, good stability, low energy consumption, noise is small, the feed axis and spindle AC servo motors are used and the advanced numerical control drive control. Net seam using servo motor driven ball screw, Tuosi plate connected to the rail line, according to instructions sliding, net seam gap arbitrarily adjusted according to actual situation, with the screen blocking the production of mining and petroleum chemical industry pharmaceutical tablets filter mesh, filter the ideal network management device. 参考知识1 是要看看它上面说的是不是数控筛网焊接机是吧! 参考知识B The company's CNC mesh welding machine, good stability, low energy consumption, noise is small, the feed axis and spindle AC servo motors are used and the advanced numerical control drive control. Net seam using servo motor driven ball screw, Tuosi plate connected to the rail line, according to instructions sliding, net seam gap arbitrarily adjusted according to actual situation, with the screen blocking the production of mining and petroleum chemical industry pharmaceutical tablets filter mesh, filter the ideal network management device.
参考知识C The company's CNC welding net machine, good stability, low energy consumption, noise, feed axis and spindle AC servo motors and advanced numerical control the use of transmission control. Net coal servo motor-driven ball screw, Tuosi plate connected to the railway line, follow the instructions to slide, the net sew the gap adjusted at will, according to the actual situation in order to prevent the mining and petroleum chemical tablets filter, filter screen, ideal for the production network management equipment

数控广州980TD中的机床锁住,要怎样才打得开,详细怎样操作请各位大哥帮帮忙了 再点一次机床锁键就可以解除机床锁了,如下图: 按你所说那就应该是机床按键有问题了咯。找厂家专业人士吧!参考知识1按一下机床锁住,在按一次即可解锁(要在自动方式下进行)。 参考知识B广州哪里有
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