

如果有完美解答可速发到我291572354@qq.com邮箱 十万火急 万分感谢 !!!!!! 参考知识1 Born in the s of switch power supply is a use of modern power electronic technology to control switch tube conduction and shut off than the time, so that the output voltage stability of a power supply. Generally speaking, part of switch power supply for PWM (pulse width modulation) control IC and power MOSFET.
From birth, switch power supply since the advent, because its no matter in efficiency, volume, or in weight than linear power supply, so in half a century, with the rapid development of the power electronic technology, the development of switch power supply is also changing gradually in small power occasions instead of linear power supply.
Because it has a small volume and the lighter weight, high efficiency, low noise, small ripple properties. Make the switch power supply is widely applied to the military and aerospace, small to home appliance apparatus, have now without switching power supply.
The development of switch power supply is based on the development of the power electronics device. In the past half century, the development of the power electronics device is rapid, renewal is to let a person dazzling. Therefore, the development of switch power supply is more quickly. In the past time, switch power supply power semiconductor melt, the experience of high frequency and soft switch technology and switch power supply system integration technology three main stages of development. And from the eighty s research of soft switch technology and high frequency, is the past twenty years international power electronics industry one of the hot spot in the research.
In the present, switch power have also become the electricity and electronics industry rapid development and indispensable a power supply mode. Domestic and foreign switch power technology in different domain has a lot of new hotspot. But in today's switch power supply is toward integration, intelligence the direction of development, highly integrated, powerful single piece of switch power supply represents the switch power supply the mainstream of development direction.
In recent years of switch power supply high frequency converter appeared the push-pull, bridge, half bridge, single straight shock and the ocl flyback and so on many kinds of form, the new type of soft switch control technology is also with zero voltage and zero current two kinds. This paper introduces a little power two pipe is shock type soft switch control mode of switch power supply, using the utility power supply, take the isolated transformer, give the two pipe is shock type DC-DC converter, PWM control and power circuit of the detailed design method and design ideas, and use ORCAD/Pspice software to the circuit switching power supply system performance simulation, according to the simulation results show that the switch power supply, high efficiency, the output voltage stability, circuit design is more perfect, stable performance.
参考知识B 随着经济体制改革的不断深入,我国传统的企业业绩评价体系已不能适应需要。本你好,以下是我的翻译,希望对你有所帮助: Executive summary The rapid追问


参考知识C 你在好123网上不是有个线上翻译吗?你把中文写上去自然就有了!不用这么麻烦。追问




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