哪一个描述的是爱丽丝梦游仙境的Red Queen和White Queen?


4. Pat--The White Rabbit's bumbling servant and gardener, who is an Irish guinea pig.

5. Bill--A lizard who serves as the White Rabbit's chimney sweep. At one time when Alice was stuck at the White Rabbit's house, Bill was sent to get her out, but he was kicked out of the chimney by the might of Alice's giant foot.

6. The Caterpillar--A wise, but rude old bug who gives Alice advice about how to change sizes correctly by eating the mushroom.

7. The Duchess--An angry, ugly, and abusive noblewoman who is a mother to a baby that would later turn to a pig. But later on in the book, she is nicer, which assumes the fact that the pepper makes her angry.

10. The March Hare--The Mad Hatter's crazed sidekick who is also rude and obnoxious towards Alice. The March Hare is always mad, and maybe slightly stupid and confused ever since the Mad Hatter didn't have the chance to finish his performance at the Queen of Hearts' concert.

11. The Dormouse--The third and sleepy member of the Mad Tea Party Trio. He often sleeps through the party, but the Mad Hatter and the March Hare have ways to rudely wake him up.

12. The Queen of Hearts--A stubborn, violent and cruel tyrant who enjoys beheading people, (which never happens due to the King secretly pardoning those who are to be executed). She has a massive army of playing cards, and they simply do what the Queen says. She is noted to be the villain of the story, and Alice's arch-nemesis.

13. The King of Hearts--The Queen of Hearts' foolish, but caring husband, who pardons those who are about to be beheaded under the wrath of the Queen. He also serves as judge of the Knave of Hearts' trial.

14. The Gryphon--A part-eagle, part-lion creature that leads Alice to his old friend, the Mock Turtle, so she could learn about his childhood.

15. The Mock Turtle--A cow-headed turtle who is an old friend of the Gryphon and told about his childhood and school days to Alice. He also showed her the 'Lobster Quadrille' a funny, but confusing dance.

16. The Knave of Hearts--A noble servant to the King and Queen of Hearts, who was sent to a trial as the accused for stealing the tarts. The Queen often thinks of him as an 'idiot'.

17. Alice's Sister--A minor character of the story. She is Alice's older sister who understands Alice's dream at the end of the book. After Alice went home for tea, her sister dreamt the same dream Alice did, and knew Alice is growing up.

18. Dinah--Alice's pet cat. She did not appear in the book, but was mentioned by Alice several times. She does appear, however in the sequel 'Through the looking Glass', and many movies based on the book.

The King of Hearts不是red queen吗? 12.红心皇后-一个顽固的,暴力的,残忍的统治者,喜欢砍下别人的头(但是从没发生过因为国王总会秘密赦免那些人)。她拥有一支**牌组成的军队,这些**牌对皇后唯命是从。她是这篇小说中的反派人物,爱丽丝给予了她惩罚。
(The Queen of Hearts--A stubborn, violent and cruel tyrant who enjoys beheading people, (which never happens due to the King secretly pardoning those who are to be executed). She has a massive army of playing cards, and they simply do what the Queen says. She is noted to be the villain of the story, and Alice's arch-nemesis.)

参考知识1 12. The Queen of Hearts

以上没有White Queen,因为《爱丽丝梦游仙境》包括《爱丽丝奇境历险记》和《爱丽丝穿镜奇幻记》两部著作。

White Queen是在《爱丽丝穿镜奇幻记》中的。

参考知识B 没有一个是 参考知识C 能不能用中文翻译一下。

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