

商务英语函电使用人员多,涉及面广,应用价值高。商务信函写作、商务文书草拟都离不开商务英语。而商务英语有独特的文体特点,翻译时应体现这些特点,注意英汉语言差异,采取灵活翻译方法,做到翻译准确。 一、Define
With the increasingly fierce competition in international trade and commerce have become increasingly frequent, business letters and telegrams have become increasingly frequent use, so the English translation of Commerce also show the important role. This article from the English business letters and telegrams of vocabulary, syntax, discourse and talk of its stylistic features, examples of translation gains and losses for the business English translation of letters and telegrams to make recommendations, the aim is to do a good job in business English translation of letters and telegrams to promote economic development.
一.Business English-language features of letters and telegrams.
1. Characteristics of the vocabulary
(1) appropriate choice of words concise, clear expression of writing business letters, business documents drafted, in addition to the choice of words was correct in vitro, should also be concise; wording try to be brief, because the battlefield, such as shopping malls. Business English and therefore the socio-cultural groups to reach a consensus: The Business and briefly language must be made out to avoid winded.
(2) solemn official language, plainlooking, polite attitude of the English business letters and telegrams from the passing of business information has a bearing on the economic benefits, so to express straightforward, simple and crisp. On terms to the regular performance of the solemn power.
(3) professional terms and abbreviations are more kinds of style and structure of the typical expression. Commercial contracts, tools and so on have special written statement. Business English letters and telegrams in practice the formation of a series of terms
(4) the use of ancient-term business English-language messages to other commonly used little or no longer use the old-word.
2. Syntactic features
(1) sentence for a definitive expression fixed, business English letters and telegrams in practice has created a fixed set of words.
(2) capable concise statement, to express their concise statement effective and capable of effective expression refers to the choice of words concise, correct grammar, the proper use. And the same words in different languages in different domains of cultural and sports results. 3. Discourse structure features a variety of communication functions of the discourse on the theme, content, the structure of the text is different. Business English letters and telegrams to express fixed, the structure of the logic of rational discourse, coherent meaning. Logic refers to a reasonable sentence structure, paragraph, discourse thinking. Significance refers to the coherence of semantic coherence between sentences, paragraphs coherence between the content and context of a coherent line of thought.
三.business English translation of the message is different from literary translation of business correspondence and other cultural translation. Literary Translation to maintain the original spirit of grace, the spirit to do. Translation of letters and telegrams to be accurate.
四.the conclusion of business to make more use of English letters and telegrams, covers a wide range, high-value applications. Business letter writing, drafting commercial instruments can not be separated from business English. Business English and has a unique style features, the translation should be reflected in these features, attention to the difference between English and Chinese, translate to adopt a flexible approach so that an accurate translation.
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