

外文翻译不是翻译成英语,要原作者是外国人的外国文献。 I and Bioinformatics
This semester elective courses - bioinformatics coming to an end. Before class, I always thought that the basic course in bioinformatics is just talking about human or animal genes, as well as differences between species gene. However, after so many weeks of classes, so I understand, "bioinformatics" and I did not imagine so simple, so "lower."Simply put, bioinformatics in genomics research related to biological information acquisition, processing, storage, distribution, analysis and interpretation. Including two meanings, one massive data collection, collation and service, which is manage the data; the other is from the discovery of new law, which is good use of these data. Specifically, bioinformatics is the genomic DNA sequence information analysis as a source to find the genomic sequence on behalf of protein and RNA gene coding region; at the same time, to clarify information in real terms in the genome there are a lot of non-coding regions, and deciphering hidden in DNA sequences The language law of inheritance; On this basis, summarize, organize and Genomic language information release and its regulation transcriptional profiling and data related protein spectrum, thus recognizing metabolism, growth, differentiation and evolution of the law.
In this brief lesson several times, under the leadership of teachers, I learned a lot about bioinformatics, including: sequence alignment, analysis and prediction of protein structure alignment, gene identification studies non-coding regions, the genetic code origin, structure-based drug design.
For example, sequence alignment, the basic issue is to compare two or more symbol sequence similarity or
Dissimilarity. From the original intention of the biological point of view, this issue contains the following meaning: The complete sequence of the DNA sequence reconstructed from the overlapping fragments. Determine the physical and genetic maps from probe data stored in a variety of experimental conditions, traversal and comparison of DNA sequences in the database to compare two or more sequences in the database similarity search-related sequences and nucleotide sequences of continuous search insert information generated model to identify sequence of the protein and DNA sequence composition than in considering the biological characteristics of DNA sequences, such as the sequence occurs locally, deletion (referred to as the first two indel) and alternative sequence of the objective function to obtain sequences Set the minimum distance between the mutation and or maximum weighted similarity and alignment methods include the global alignment, local alignment, gap penalties.
And prediction of protein structure alignment is a more fundamental issue two or more protein molecules spatial structure similarity or dissimilarity. Structure and function of proteins is closely related, it is generally believed, with similar functional protein structure generally similar. Proteins are long chains composed of amino acids in length from 50 to 1000 ~ 3000AA (Amino Acids), proteins having a variety of functions, such as enzymes, material storage and transport, signal transduction, antibodies and the like. The sequence of amino acids determines the inherent three-dimensional structure of the protein. It is generally believed that there are four different protein structures. Justification study of protein structure and prediction is: can understand the function of biological medicine, looking dockingdrugs goal to get better crop genetic engineering in agriculture, use of enzyme synthesis industry. Assumptions protein three-dimensional structural studies are inherently three-dimensional structure and amino acid sequence of correspondence (not necessarily all true), it can be used to explain the physics of minimum energy.

Bioinformatics are numerous, interdisciplinary computer science and mathematics used in molecular biology and the formation of bioinformatics genomics research has become a powerful research tool essential. In China, bioinformatics with the commencement of research on the human genome has just started, but has shown a momentum of vigorous development. Many research institutes have started or are ready to start research work in this area. Bioinformatics genomics research as a powerful weapon, is widely used to speed up the process of finding a new gene in order to achieve the "useful" first to register new gene patent purposes. Bioinformatics highly developed in the future, it will, and our daily lives are closely related. So you can draw a blueprint to imagine: the civilian population each year to the hospital for a regular check, only need to provide a drop of blood, can not see where you have all kinds of machinery to express the amount of all your genes and proteins The expression levels of all of the information and so much more measured out, and the doctor across from you computer display that you may have the disease and its prevention, or are you
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