



金猴皮鞋以商务休闲为主打,舒适优质的品质铸就真性情风范,力量的象征,高雅的典范让你不论在休闲旅游还是商务谈判,都能从容展现成功的魅力。 Golden Monkey ---- true to the quality of cast
Golden Monkey shoes inspired by "Journey to the West" in the passion, freedom, wisdom, loyalty Wukong image. Eyes that the integrity of the quality of the competition in the market to help ease your battle; motivated the Monkey King Bar to help you eliminate stress in your life, difficulties; clouds in the baptism in the years to make your casual ease, determination and optimistic at every step, longitudinal the world.

Monkey business casual shoes to play, comfortable high quality cast true to the style, symbol of strength, a model of elegance to your leisure or business, whether in negotiations, can calmly show the charm of success.
参考知识1 Golden monkey-- cast quality true temperament
Golden monkey leather shoes inspiration comes from a journey to the west, freedom, and the wisdom of enthusiasm, loyalty wu empty image. Fire eye the gold jing quality good faith help you in the market competitive easily in the confrontation; Motivation gold hoop stick is to help you eliminate the stress in your life, difficult; In the years has period, let you along with the gender at ease, persistence optimistic covet petty, longitudinal the world.

Jinhou leather shoes to give priority to dozen of business and leisure, comfortable quality cast quality true temperament wind model, a symbol of power, elegant model make you no matter in the leisure travel or business negotiation, can show the charm of easy success.

商务英语翻译: GoldenMonkey----truetothequalityofcastGoldenMonkeyshoesinspiredby"JourneytotheWest"inthepa
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商务英语翻译证书考试是啥? 商务英语翻译考试(BusinessEnglishTranslationTest,简称:BETT)由全国商务外语考试办公室和全国商务外语专业委员会组织实施的,分笔译口译考试,又分初,中,高,翻译师和高级
英语专业与商务英语专业的区别。 区别:英语专业包含商务英语专业,商务英语专业指英语专业商务方向英语专业包含商务英语、国贸英语、英语教育等。大一大二都是学习基础英语,大三分方向。商务英语侧重商务英语翻译,就业方向是与商务英语有关的职业
商务英语翻译必看技巧 参考知识1商务英语翻译必看技巧  现如今,整个世界融为了一个整体,各个国家之间的贸易往来逐渐丰富,目前在国际间最通用的就是英语。商务英语要求翻译者更加的精确、对等,因为商务英语中会涉及到很多文件、条款
商务英语翻译都包括哪些 全国商务英语资格认证考试突出专业性与实用性,主要测试考生应用能力。内容包含了广告、企业介绍、产品描述、工作经历与求职、商务人员及跨文化交流、工作环境、世界经济、国际贸易、金融、证券及投资、市场营销、管
商务英语和英语翻译的区别? 商务英语专业:是国家批准的全国第一个本科专业,培养本科生、双学位生和硕士研究生。商务英语专业旨在培养具有扎实的英语基本功和宽厚的人文素养、掌握较宽广的国际商务基础知识和理论,具有较强的跨文化交流能力,
商务英语翻译 商务英语翻译:下午好,以下是我们这次商务旅行日程的简单安排:第一天:上午我们参观深圳市经济技术开发区,座谈,下午参观中国硅谷————深圳科技园,商务洽谈。第二天:请深圳市有关领导介绍深圳市招商引资和投