

Trade terms
In every international trade transaction certain questions must be answered:
---who will arrange and pay for the carriage of the goods from one point to another?
---who will bear the risk if these operations cannot be carried out?
---and who will bear the risk of loss of or damage to the goods in transit?
All of these questions are concerned with actually getting the goods from the seller to the buyer. It is possible to imagine any number of ways of dividing up the costs, risks and responsibilities of the transport of the goods between the two parties.

That is exactly what trade terms do. They are shorthand expressions that set out the rights and obligations of each party when it comes to transporting the goods.
Each term means a different division of costs, risks, and responsibilities between the buyer and seller. They range from a situation in which everything is the responsibility of the seller. These trade terms grew up as a result of the requirements of different times and places and trades.
Because of this somewhat haphazard development, it has not always been clear just what should be covered by these trade terms. Trade terms
In every international trade transaction certain questions must be answered:
---who will arrange and pay for the carriage of the goods from one point to another?
---who will bear the risk if these operations cannot be carried out?
---and who will bear the risk of loss of or damage to the goods in transit?
All of these questions are concerned with actually getting the goods from the seller to the buyer.
It is possible to imagine any number of ways of dividing up the costs, risks and responsibilities of the transport of the goods between the two parties.
That is exactly what trade terms do. They are shorthand expressions that set out the rights and obligations of each party when it comes to transporting the goods.
Each term means a different division of costs, risks, and responsibilities between the buyer and seller.
They range from a situation in which everything is the responsibility of the seller. These trade terms grew up as a result of the requirements of different times and places and trades.
Because of this somewhat haphazard development, it has not always been clear just what should be covered by these trade terms.
参考知识1 商业期限在每种国际贸易交易某些问题必须被回答: 将安排和将支付物品支架从另一个的一点到? 将负担风险如果这些操作无法被执行? 和谁将负担损失或损伤风险对物品的在运输? 所有这些问题与实际上得到有关物品从卖主对买家。它是可能想象任一个方式的数字划分物品的运输的费用、风险和责任在双方之间。 那确切地是什么贸易期限。他们是开始各个党的权利和义务的速记表示当它来到运输物品。各个期限意味费用、风险, 和责任另外分裂在买家和卖主之间。他们范围从一切是卖主的责任的情况。这些商业期限长大由于不同的要求时间和地点和贸易。由于这有些随便发展, 它总不是清楚什么应该由这些商业期限包括。

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